All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda (4 Stars)

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Shuster for supplying me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The foreword describes the book as being told in reverse, which is a very unique approach. This is the story of two young women who disappear a decade apart, from the same small town in North Carolina and the players are the same in each instance. The book was well-written, and Nic’s internal dialogue was well-crafted. The characters are well-developed, but as you keep reading you learn more about them and your opinion keeps changing.

The book is suspenseful, as each piece of information is revealed, but not quite fully, as we are working backwards in time. You receive the end result, but the how is missing and you are left wondering (in a good way!). There are plot twists, and times you are entirely wrong in your expectations, which just this just keeps the suspense going.

This was a great read, totally unpredictable and will keep your attention all the way to the end.

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