The Odor of Violets, Duncan Maclain Mystery No. 3 by Baynard Kendrick (4 Stars)

This book has been hanging around my shelf for a long time. I can’t for the life of me remember why I purchased it as I usually stay away from books written in series, and definitely don’t know why I decided to start with the third book.

Published in 1940, The Odor of Violets merges murder, mystery and espionage into one tale. The main character, Captain Duncan Maclain, was blinded during World War I. The most interesting part of the story is how Maclain’s senses are heightened by his lack of vision. He does have two dogs (Schnucke and Driest) to guide him, as well as a driver, but his occupation as private detective seems a little improbable. Yet, it works.

The plot is complex and involves seemingly unrelated incidents, yet they fit together to tell a story of treason, murder, top secret government plans, spies and kidnapping.

This was definitely an unusual read. If you’re looking for intrigue and something a little outside the norm, you won’t be disappointed. The book was also made into a film in 1942, Eyes in the Night:

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